Writing a love letter to a parent.

How to write a love letter to a parent

Have you ever thought about writing a love letter to your mom or dad? It’s something that might come to mind at certain times of the year like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, a birthday or even Valentine’s Day – but maybe you never end up writing it.

It may sound like an odd thing to do but writing a love letter to a parent is a wonderful thing and it can be appreciated by both the parent and (the probably adult) child.

What is a “Love Letter”?

There are so many connotations to what a love letter might be. Maybe you picture a little kid writing two lines to the other little kid he/she has a crush on.

Dear Paula. I love you.

Or maybe you’re picturing a long soliloquy that a high school or college student would write to the boy/girl of their dreams.

Shakespeare was right. You are the east. You are my sun. I awaken every day knowing your beautiful smile will give me rays of light.

But when you get older, the love letters often fade away. We might feel Too busy. Too old. Too sentimental… but love letters can be more than just a romantic thing.

Have you tried writing one to your mom or dad?

Reasons to write a love letter to a parent

Some good reasons to write your parent a love letter:

  • To express appreciation
  • To express gratitude
  • Recall good times
  • To help them feel more connected
  • As a form of therapy

Writing a love letter can be helpful even if you are writing it to a parent who will never see it because they’re aging, or sick, or already gone.

My Mom has Alzheimer’s. She hasn’t said my name in years. When I visit her in Memory Care, she doesn’t recognize me and I have to tell her who I am.

Are you my brother?
No, Mom. It’s me, Mike. Your son.

She may not remember all of the great times we had, but I do. And writing about them can be cathartic.

> Check out my love letter to my mom.

How to start writing your love letter to your parent

You don’t need anything to get started. Your letter can be handwritten or typed. It doesn’t matter. What matters is the emotion that it can help you feel.

  • Maybe it’s old memories that will make you smile.
  • Maybe it’s emotional times that make you cry.
  • Or maybe it’s something in between.

Try it and feel the emotion going through your fingers and onto the page.

The key is to let those emotions flow.

It doesn’t have to be Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day or Father’s Day.

Writing a love letter to your mom or dad is great any day of the year.
Just be you and watch the magic happen.

Do you provide care for an aging or elderly parent?

Parenting Aging Parents was created as a source of information and support group for family caregivers.

Caregiving is hard but we can help make it easier with resources & our caring Facebook support group.

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