Shop the Marketplace for Products & Services
Parenting Aging Parents is always on the lookout for products and services to help make the lives of your aging parents better. We also try to find special discounts for you when we can! Click on a brand below to learn more and get a discount code where applicable.
A payments platform to better connect family, friends, and caregivers.
Secure digital vault for important financial information & documents
Kanega Watch by UnaliWear™
The only medical alert watch with fall dection.
Slick Chicks
Adaptive Bras, Underwear & Loungewear
Golden Home Management
Helping Seniors Age in Place ~ Home Maintenance and Home Safety
Senior Care Authority
Senior Care Advisors & Consultants ~ Available across the U.S.
Automatic daily text check-ins, remain independent but not alone
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* When you purchase products or services we may earn a small commission to support the efforts of Parenting Aging Parents. We want Parenting Aging Parents to be as helpful to you as possible so we will only share products we feel good about. Please always do your due diligence before buying products or services.