Q&A with Attorneys Jeff Barnett and Keith Leuty, of Partnering Sponsor Barnett & Leuty.
During this live Q&A with Family Members in March 2023 they answer legal questions about:
*removing someone from a Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney
*how many alternates should there be on that POA
*how a Lady Bird Deed or Transfer on Death Deed works with property
*understanding the difference between a “springing” or “non-springing” Power of Attorney and how to tell which it is on your parent’s POA if they’re not sure
*what to do with difficulty getting a financial institution to recognize a POA
*making changes to a will
and more.
Ask the Expert – Medicaid – Keith Leuty & VeeCee Spear
ASK THE EXPERT - Medicaid - with Keith Leuty & VeeCee Spear of Barnett & Leuty Law Firm
During this live ...