Welcome to the Family
Thanks for being a Founding Family Member of Parenting Aging Parents! An email is on its way with instructions for you to log in and get the digital version of The Caregiver’s Key. (Check spam if you don’t see it in your inbox in a few minutes.)
If you’d like a bound, physical copy of the guide we have copies available. And, if you’ve found value from Parenting Aging Parents we hope you’ll consider supporting our efforts to continue growing!
The Caregiver’s Key (physical copy)
The Caregiver’s Key – A Guide to Gathering Essential Information will give you a place to keep important facts, names and numbers you might need and some questions you didn’t even know to ask. It’s 74 pages with lots of room for extra information.
As you help your aging parents with doctor’s appointments, finances, making decisions or even their phone or computer, having information easily accessible can make the job much easier. No more sticky notes or loose pieces of paper. You’ll have everything organized here to help them now and be better prepared for what might come. Sales tax is included. Only USA shipping available. Shipping is free. (If you’re in the Austin area you can pick up your copy if you’d like. Just let us know in the order notes or contact us.)
Once you add details, the guide will include a lot of sensitive and personal information, so be sure to keep it in a secure place.
Help us continue to grow
If you’ve found being part of the Parenting Aging Parents group helpful and have benefitted from the community insight and information and would like to help it continue to grow, we’d appreciate your support.
We’re not a 501(c)3 so there is no tax deduction but we have big ideas to be able to reach and help more people. Your assistance can help us do that as we build this great community together.